The origin story – helping business owners…

As a trusted advisor to CEO’s, I help equity owners and their leadership teams develop strategies that harness technology to drive growth and development.

We identify impactful approaches to streamline, enhance, and automate business operations. I love helping to equip, empower, and enable executives to effectively utilize technology in order to profitably serve customers and grow.

The emergence of A.I.

In recent years, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning have emerged as significant forces in the business world. These cutting-edge technologies are rapidly becoming essential across all aspects of commerce and the economy.

With the pace of change accelerating and competition intensifying, digital disruption and automation are now omnipresent forces shaping industries.

Introducing Thinking About AI

In order to remain up-to-date with these evolving changes, I have embarked on an intensive journey to deepen my knowledge in this domain. I’ve read numerous AI-focused books, consistently follow news feeds, and keep up with the field’s thought leaders.

It’s been insightful to connect with other experts and digest AI-related videos and podcasts. I’ve become an enthusiastic learner and avid student in the AI landscape.

Win? Lose? or Draw?

In the realm of technology, rapid advancements often lead to competitive advantages, distinguishing the winners from the losers.

My viewpoint, as a business owner, is to guide fellow executives on how to capitalize on the impending changes and maximize their benefits for organizational success.

My learning is focused on how to effectively leverage these emerging technologies in order to benefit enterprises and secure a competitive edge, or ‘win’.

Simultaneously, I aim to identify strategies that prevent businesses from being disrupted or weakened, or ‘lose’, as these innovations continue to transform industries and economies at their core.

Sharing is caring 🙂

With that as my purpose, I’ve decided to share all of the learning, resources, references, that I discover along the way on this website ‘Thinking About AI’.

My hope is that this is a high-level resource for other executives who might need to zero in on this topic from time to time and have a high-level view of the top articles and videos that have surfaced.

Please feel free to explore the various citations, links to books, videos, apps, podcasts, playlists, articles, quotes, and white papers that I’ve come across during my exploration of AI.

I hope this collection of resources aims to enhance your understanding and spark your curiosity as you delve into the world of AI.


~ Paul Helmick

About This Site

Artificial Intelligence (AI) will dramatically transform business and industry.

Here are the resources I’ve discovered in my quest to learn about AI, which will reshape our world in unimaginable ways.

Paul Helmick

Paul Helmick

Technology CEO



An Experienced Entrepreneur.

I love helping people use technology to grow their business.

I live in the mountains of West Virginia with my wonderful wife and two amazing children.

Take a look at the welcome message which explains this sites purpose and plan – it’s here for your enjoyment.